Finished! +Suggestions
Ive dug through every block of earth on all of the environments. This game is awesome but is painfully addictive.
I suggest in-app purchasable maps. Some ideas: Sahara Desert, old Chinese city with underground ruins of old-world Asian culture, Mars with artifacts of ancient life and complex civilization!!
Also, infinity mode with absolutely endless underground depth. To see who can go down the furthest and compete for score/depth. An item you can purchase with game money which allows the digger to dig in all 4 direction(defy gravity). And ability to balance digger attribute points, to balance speed with fuel capacity, or heat resistance with hull strength, and to change color/body appearance. These ideas would be great for update, in-app purchase, or at least game sequel.
sack babbath about
I Dig It Expeditions, v1.3